Lancashire Coast Classic & Performance Motor Show at Lytham Hall – Exhibit Entry

Lancashire Coast Classic & Performance Motor Show at Lytham Hall – Exhibit Entry


Exhibit Entry for the Classic & Performance Motor Show at Lytham Hall – Entry includes vehicle and driver with 1 passenger at the advanced discounted rate.  Entry on the day may be allowed, space allowing, at the on the day rate per person.

56 in stock

05/18/2025 - 05/18/2025
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Lytham Hall

( Price : £8.00 / person )
( Price : £8.00 / person )

Exhibit entry is for the vehicle, driver and a passenger when bought in advance and you’ll be directed to the best available space by the team on entry.  Entry timing will be from 7.30am – 10am with public opening from 10am.  Entry on the day will be charged per person at the ‘on the day’ rate if space allows but this is not guaranteed as this event has historically sold out.

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