The T&C’s are in place to protect all of our Caterers, Traders and show visitors. By booking a Catering/ Trade / auto jumble stand you are legally bound to abide by these terms and conditions. Caterers/Traders/Auto jumble
- All Traders are responsible for their personal safety and the security of their personal belongings, goods, vehicles and trade stand .The organisers take no responsibility whatsoever for the security of your stock or personal possessions. Will not accept liability for any loss or damage to persons or equipment.
- All traders must include proof of public and employers liability insurance to a minimum of £5 million.
- No application will be considered without an appropriate and current risk assessment; there must be a copy available on site.
- All electrical equipment will carry PAT/electrical safety certification; this must be available for inspection at the event. As far as practicable, all electrical equipment shall be located so that it cannot be touched by members of the public or unauthorized workers.
- All traders must carry a suitable fire extinguisher.
- Wristbands must be worn by yourself and your staff at all times on site if required. Any broken, incomplete or loose wristband will not be considered valid and will be removed, along with the wearer. Anyone found gaining entry for additional staff or people not working on your stall will be charged the full face value, or staff will be removed. We will provide a pair of adult tickets to each member of your team for them to utilise at any one show, please liaise with us for issuing.
- Each stall must have an appropriate first aid kit.
- Generators are allowed, Diesel, Petrol or electric. All fuel brought in must be held in the proper containers.
- All traders will provide onsite, certification to the effect that any approved LPG installations have been recently inspected by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
- The sale of food, drink, alcohol (unless approved for the catering contractors), tobacco products, weapons, wax flares, legal highs, sky lanterns firearms, quad bikes, motorised scooters, motorised skateboards, motor bikes (of any size) Nitrous Oxide or similar chemicals are strictly prohibited, and result in your stall being closed down, loss of your pitch fee and banning from future events.
- Once sited you may under no circumstances move your pitch without express permission from the organiser.
- Anyone found to be using or selling illegal substances will be immediately shut down, and reported to the authorities.
- All refuse must be placed in the correct receptacles provided. Refuse and contaminated liquids will be disposed of responsibly. NO grey/black water, oils or any waste material is to be tipped directly onto the ground.
- Vehicle movement must be kept to an absolute minimum and within the designated times.
- All marquees, tents or other self-build structures should be of sound construction including all supporting poles, frames, guy ropes, stakes anchors and fastenings etc. and all guy ropes and fixing stays shall be conspicuously marked to ensure they do not present a trip hazard.
- Fly pitchers will not be tolerated. You may not sell goods from any area other than your designated pitch, sell goods other than those indicated on your application, or trade outside of the designated trading hours, as this will constitute illegal trading.
- Open fires are not permitted.
- If you wish to apply for more than one stall you must make a separate booking. Traders may under no circumstance sub-let all or part of their pitch.
- Each stall is to be responsible for the cleanliness of their pitch, both back and front, including the public area immediately in front of your stall. Litter inspections will be randomly carried out, and if your area is unacceptably littered you may be asked to shut down.
- The decision of the organiser is final.
- All accidents/incidents must be reported to the organisers at Event Control.
- Should the event be cancelled due to reasons beyond our control, your deposit and payments will roll forward to the next event or next years event.
- Deposits are non-refundable once paid.